
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bad Tiger Studios - site launch (and I have two things there)

CW Russette, a writer that I admire, has launched a new site dedicated to providing new comics and stories that feature some amazing talent. I'm among them, but I would not be so bold as to say that I'm amazing. That would be conceited. Of course, I wouldn't argue if YOU said I was amazing.

Bad Tiger Studios came online yesterday, and it does indeed feature some pretty awesome stuff. And, would you look at that, I happen to have two things posted there.

The first of which is a new comic strip featuring The Skull. Brandon Wilt did the pencils and inks, I did the script and lettering.

The second of which is a new ongoing sword and sorcery serial featuring Bolstagg Freilander. This guy's first adventure was so fun, I decided to write an ongoing prose feature.

So, go ahead and check everything out. Then use the word "amazing" a lot in reference.

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