
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bad Tiger Studios - site launch (and I have two things there)

CW Russette, a writer that I admire, has launched a new site dedicated to providing new comics and stories that feature some amazing talent. I'm among them, but I would not be so bold as to say that I'm amazing. That would be conceited. Of course, I wouldn't argue if YOU said I was amazing.

Bad Tiger Studios came online yesterday, and it does indeed feature some pretty awesome stuff. And, would you look at that, I happen to have two things posted there.

The first of which is a new comic strip featuring The Skull. Brandon Wilt did the pencils and inks, I did the script and lettering.

The second of which is a new ongoing sword and sorcery serial featuring Bolstagg Freilander. This guy's first adventure was so fun, I decided to write an ongoing prose feature.

So, go ahead and check everything out. Then use the word "amazing" a lot in reference.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The arrival of the arcanist

Well, would you look at that! Another paid story is posted at Jungle Age. Kindly go check it out and leave some feedback. This author would certainly appreciate it.

This story, entitled "iMage," features a new character named Master Eli. He is the world's foremost technomancer. I wanted to weave a story around the concept of blending magic and technology so seamlessly that it was hard to sepearte the two from each other. Eli battles abstract concepts locked behind the veil of Neverspace, which is a neutral ground between our world and the realm where demons have been shunned.

I might continue this guy's wacky adventures. We'll see how the story does.